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» Journal Issues » 2017 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 4 » Processes of Vocabulary Semantic Transformation in Ukrainian Media Space

Processes of Vocabulary Semantic Transformation in Ukrainian Media Space

Титутл выпуску журналу
Print ISSN 1682-3540
e-ISSN 2707-5249
Subscription index 23920


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Institute of Ukrainian Language of NAS


Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific journal Ukrainian Language is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as print media (Certificate: Series КВ № 12180 – 1064 ПР of January 12, 2007).

Included in the list of printed scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (Order of MES of Ukraine no528 from 12.05.2015)

Back side of the journal

Processes of Vocabulary Semantic Transformation in Ukrainian Media Space

Liudmyla Khalinovska

Information about the author:

Junior Researcher of Grammar and Scientific Terminology Department, Ukrainian Language Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

e-mail: halima@bigmir.net.

Title: Processes of Vocabulary Semantic Transformation in Ukrainian Media Space

Rubric: Branch Terminology

Abstract: The article deals with entry and active use of branch vocabulary and its semantic rethinking in modern information space (press, internet, television, author blogs, etc.). The spectrum usage of special vocabulary in contemporary periodicals is wide enough. There are a lot of well-known terms that journalists, TV presenters and bloggers like to use: аеропорт, термінал, літак etc., and brunch terms, that contain military segment полігон, блокада, міна, etc. A separate group in the media language consists of occasionalisms, which create pointedly and expressive characteristics of events, phenomena, realities, such as літакопад, пасажирство, майданбайтер.
There are a lot of terms from different disciplines in media language, which are used with various purposes – description of the events that take place in modern society, promotion of science, technology and inventions. There is reconsideration of vocabulary while atypical for terminological functioning, the term or phrase turns into the category of sustainable phrases and loses its original meaning. Such creations are often used with fully or partially changed meaning.
Original phrase semantic is lost and new value often expressive appears due to the unusual context usage and unusual interaction between the components. There is a semantic shift, which makes its new meaning.

 Keywords: lexeme, term, term-phrase,  in term function, occasionalism, metaphor.


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