• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Nina Horholiuk

Information about the author:  Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Research Director of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

e-mail: gorgoluk@ukr.net



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the current trends in the qualification of the concepts of sentence, utterance, sentence-utterance in the  context of the functional theory of language, i.e. the concept of sentence, statement using a three-dimensional approach associated with the  selection of formal-syntactic, semantic-syntactic and proper-communicative structures of the sentence in functional syntax (the concept
of I.R. Vykhovanets) is characterized; the peculiarities of the concept sentence-utterance functioning in the functional-communicative syntax,  the feature of which is the analysis of the sentence meaning considering objective (or propositional) intension and speaker’s communicative  attitudes are described; in functional-communicative syntax, the sentence structure appears as multi-level – denotative, communicative,  semantic and formal levels; in the system-functional aspect, the sentence-utterance has the status of zero point in the dichotomy of the  sentence type (predicative communicative unit of the language system) and utterance-variant (intentional unit of a discourse). Prospects for  the development of syntax theory in the modern cognitive-discursive paradigm concerning the interpretation of the phenomenon of a  language-speech as a single (integral) object of study, respectively, sentence-expression as a holistic and at the same time multifaceted object  of study are outlined.
In the article, the changes and correlations of linguocentric and anthropocentric scientific paradigms are emphasized; the influence of  Ferdinand de Saussure’s system-centric concept on the formation of the linguistic tradition of contrasting such concepts as language and  speech is described; the main postulates of G. Guillaume’s psychosystematics and Charles Bally’s theory of actualization are characterized;  the significance of famous Ukrainian linguist O.S. Melnychuk’s proceedings in solving one of the most controversial syntax issues – the  distinction between linguistic units and units of speech is emphasized.

Keywords: language, speech, sentence, utterance, sentence-utterance, functional syntax, functional-communicative syntax, system- functional aspect of syntax, cognitive approach to language.


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