• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Iryna Shkitska

Information about the author:  Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information and Sociocultural Activity / Senior Research Associate of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Western Ukrainian National University / Institute of the Ukrainian  Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

e-mail: i.shkitska@gmail.com



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the structural-semantic analysis of the linguistic terminology represented in J.-B. Rudnytsky’s scientific  papers. The scientist’s approaches to term formation, ways of introducing the term into the text, interpretation of its meaning,
description of situations of terminological instability, etc. have been outlined. The specific Ukrainian terms used by the linguist have been  characterized on a semantic criterion. Among them are the names of sections of linguistics, linguistic phenomena, parts of speech and their
types, grammatical categories and forms of their expression, types of names and word forms, names of different groups of words, affixes, and  their varieties, types of sounds, graphic and punctuation marks.
The structural features of the linguistic terms inherent in J.-B. Rudnytsky’s scientific idiolect (uniterms, composites, complex terms) has  been defined. Terms with an adjective component are considered as a specific feature of the scientist’s idiolect. According to semantics, terms for denotation linguistic phenomena, types of language, grammatical forms, categories of tokens, sets, punctuation marks, etc. have been  singled out among them.
The influence of the Western Ukrainian version of the Ukrainian language on the style of Prof. J.-B. Rudnytsky’s scientific studies, in  particular, linguistic terminology have been revealed. The most frequent linguistic terms of foreign origin from the researcher’s idiolexicon
have been grouped on a structural criterion. The author outlines the word-forming models of term formation, characterizes the individual  scientific style of J.-B. Rudnytsky, comparing them with modern trends in the development of the Ukrainian language and its terminology. The article analyzes the manifestation of terminological synonymy in the scientist’s linguistic explorations, identifies the most common  terminological hyperonyms represented in his scientific texts on linguistics.

Keywords: scientific idiostyle, term, terminology, linguistic term, synonymous term, a foreign equivalent of the term.


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