Olena Koliadenko
Information about the author: Candidate of Philology, Junior Researcher, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
e-mail: lekoliad@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The concept of power is absolutely central to any understanding of society and human relations. Most people have an intuitive notion of what it means. But what about scientists? How is the power defined in politology? What is the political term влада used for? What are the features of this concept? The present study is aimed to answer, how the concept of power is represented in the scientific language of politologists, which language means are used to represent this notion in the Ukrainian terminology.
The research of the concept “power” is carried out from the standpoint of cognitive terminology. It is based on several complementary methods and theoretical approaches, including, but not limited to the frame semantic theory and the theory of conceptual metaphor. Extensive lexical material was used for the investigation. The linguistic data of the study has been obtained from multiple sources such as Ukrainian terminological dictionaries, encyclopedias and scientific texts (monographs, dissertations and scientific articles). The structure of the politological concept “power” is modeled with the help of the frame. It consists of the following basic components (slots): “getting / loosing”, “control”, “subject”, “object”, “instrument” and “result”. All of the slots are represented in the semantic structure of lexical units used to nominate or describe the concepts. The peculiarities of their verbal representation are described.
The results obtained in the research may prove to be useful in a much broader context of studies – the inquiry into the principles of human categorization and conceptualization
Keywords: scientific linguoconceptology, politological concept, concept “power,” frame-based terminology, poltology (political scienc) terminology.
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