• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Larysa Kysliuk

Information about the author:  Doctor of Philological Sciences, Senior scientific researcher, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

e-mail: larysa.kysliuk@gmail.com



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The paper gives an overview of the theory and practice of creating explanatory production dictionaries in modern lexicography. Special vocabulary and terms are analyzed for the expediency of presenting them in the register of the production dictionary. Criteria for selection of special vocabulary and terms to the register of active vocabulary are determined: 1) frequency of the unit in modern texts, 2)  importance of the word for the Ukrainian picture of the world and modern communication. Quantitative restrictions on the inclusion of terms and special vocabulary of foreign origin (derivatives, complex words) are proposed, if they are not included in the school education
program and in the active vocabulary of the modern speaker.
The semantics and functioning of multi-valued words випад, випадати, випадний, випуск, висота, вищий in modern, in particular, special texts are analyzed. The updating of the semantics of the named words and their functioning with special meanings in the scientific and  educational literature is revealed. The appearance of new terminological meanings in neutral units and figurative non-special meanings in  terms is recorded. Analysis of modern texts shows: 1) the acquisition of many words of new terminological meanings, 2) expansion or refinement of their definitions, 3) the emergence of figurative meanings in terms and their functioning outside the terminological systems.
Based on the analysis, it is argued that the processes of updating many terminological systems, terminating and determining vocabulary in  the modern Ukrainian, the emergence of new scientific directions should be reflected in the explanatory production Ukrainian as important to reflect the real functioning of the modern Ukrainian.

Keywords: lexicography, production dictionary, special vocabulary, term.


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ГРАК – Heneralnyi rehionalno anotovanyi korpus (2017–2021) / M. Shvedova, R. Fon Valdenfels, S. Yaryhin, A. Rysin, V. Starko, M.  Vozniak, M. Kruk ta in. Kyiv, Lviv. Retrieved from uacorpus.org (in Ukr.).
РУС – Perednie slovo (2016). In Krymskyi, A. (Ed.) (2016). Rosiisko-ukrainskyi slovnyk: u 4-kh t. (T. 1: A – Zh). (pp. I–X). Kyiv: Vydavnychyi dim Dmytra Buraho, 12, XIV. (Seriia «Slovnykova spadshchyna Ukrainy»). (Reprint from 1924 ed.) (in Ukr.).
СУМ – Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy: v 11 tomakh (1970). (Vol. 1). Kyiv: Naukova dumka (in Ukr.).


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