• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Oksana Dilna

Information about the author:  PhD in Philology, Docent of the Humanities Education Department, Lviv Regional Institute of Post-Diploma Pedagogical Education

e-mail: dilnamartynyak@gmail.com



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article focuses on the most wide spread English loan words in the terminological systems of language and literature  methodology. Attention is mainly given to those foreign words that do not meet phonetic and morphological rules of the Ukrainian language.  Key reasons for popularization of the English loan words in terminology have been revealed, namely: laconicity, one meaning,  expressiveness, desire to enhance authority of the speaker and his/her profession.
Examples from the Internet sources show that teachers of language and literature as well as scholars actively use -ing words (сторітелінг,  кардмейкінг, лепбукінг, скрайбінг, скрапбукінг, etc.). The texts illustrate sometimes in appropriate an discorrect usage of the English loan  words that have not become established yet: one can often face doubts regarding spelling of the foreign words,there are lexical mistakes  caused by misunderstanding of the loan word. In appropriate usage of the aforementioned English loan words is also proved by
the fact that these word shave not adapted to the Ukrainian language, and therefore they often are rendered in the Ukrainian texts in the  language of the original.
The article offers possible variants of replacing in appropriate English loan words with proper Ukrainian language means (words and word  combinations). Usage of English loan words in the speech of teachers of language and literature should be limited, as these words have  unclear semantics and, consequently, the pupils may misunderstand them or miss their meaning completely.
Excessive use of quasiterms, forexample, сторітелінг, кардмейкінг, лепбукінг, скрайбінг, скрапбукінг gives the text pseudoscientific  character and makes it not understandable for the pupils. In this way the pupils are imposed the ideas at all the terms are loan terms, and  modern sciences do not use Ukrainian, giving exclusive preference to English.
Certainly, it is true that English plays an important role in the modern world, as it is the language of international communication in Europe  and worldwide. However, automatic borrowing of the English words, which do not correspond to Ukrainian grammar does not enrich our  language but ruins it. Each of the above mentioned English loan words can be replaced with equivalents from the already existing words and  word combinations. Use of word combinations instead of one-lexeme English borrowings is not a drawback as it is important for the pupils  to understand the term and its transparent semantics.

Keywords: English borrowing, loanwords, quasiterms, words of foreign origin, terminology of language and literature teaching methodology


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