• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Oksana Vasetska

Information about the author:  Candidate of Philological Sciences, Academic Secretary of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

e-mail: oksana.vasetska.04@gmail.com



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article clarifies the essence of the phenomenon of terminological pragmatics. Significant gaps in the study of the  phenomenon of pragmatics in professional (academic) discourse are emphasized. The essence and methods of defining pragmatic components in terms are explained.
The article proves that linguistic pragmatics is a discipline that studies the patterns of language use as well as speech linguistics. It is  emphasized that in terminological research it is necessary some procedures: to identify and analyze the pragmatics of each terms, as well as to clarify the features of identifying the pragmatics of scientific texts (i.e. in academic discourse), which is, for example, understanding the  communicative need met by the research author and in determining the dominant function performed by the text. The researcher’s need is often to start a scientific discussion about the study’s content and choose the primary function that the text performs.
Although linguistic pragmatics, including terminology, does not have clear definitions, it is formed by a wide range of issues related to the  subject and addressee of communication, their interaction, the situation of communication, etc. In this regard, it is emphasized that each
author-researcher seeks to convey to the addressee the true information about the concept and thus forms the intention of the term-making  act, which is actually pragmatics that should be understood as “the interpreter’s attitude to the term-sign”.
In the proposed exploration, the concept of ‘connotation of terms’ is considered as a type of concept to the generic ‘pragmatics of terms’;  ‘shade of meaning of the term’ is recognized as a variant concept to ‘connotation of terms’. It is emphasized that the phenomenon of a
‘shade of meaning’ as an element of the semantic structure of one term-concept and the phenomenon of ‘shade of meaning’ as a component  and method of determining distance between meanings (synonyms, doublets, variants, etc.) are not distinguished in the work.

Keywords: terminological pragmatics, connotation, emotionality, evaluability, professional (academic) discourse, addressee.


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