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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Ukrainian Terminology: Approval Stage

Ukrainian Terminology: Approval Stage

Iryna Kochan

Information about the author: doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of Applied linguistics Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

e-mail: kim1950@i.ua

Title: Ukrainian Terminology: Approval Stage

Rubric: Theory and History of Terminology Slavic Terminology

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with today’s achievements of Ukrainian terminology, covering the description of multi-sector terminology systems in dissertations, monographs, dictionaries, the article also traces various stages of the origin and formation of individual terminological systems, their current state, which gave grounds to set up the stage of national terminology establishment and its further development.

During the Independence period, more than 200 dissertations were defended, which concerned the formation and development of Ukrainian branch terminology systems, which covered the most diverse branches of science, technology, sports, art of culture, education, etc. At the end of the 90’s practically there was formed and established a conceptual and terminating Ukrainian-language apparatus in many scientific fields.

It is evidenced about the emergence of professional dictionaries, encyclopedias, narrow-text manuals and textbooks on terminology, teaching terminology topics in the course “Ukrainian language for professional orientation” in all higher educational institutions. There also about 800 lexicographical works, more than 70 textbooks and manuals of general and narrow specialty, more than 50 monographs, indicating the stage of national terminology establishment and its branch terminology were published.

Keywords: Ukrainian terminology, branch terminology, term evolution, codification of terminology.


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