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  • ISSN 2221-8807
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Terms of the Military Business in the Novel by Walter Scott Ivanhoe: Structural Organization

Terms of the Military Business in the Novel by Walter Scott Ivanhoe: Structural Organization

Olena Kolhan, Yuliia Matsokina

Information about the author:

Kolhan O.V. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Language and Literature Department, Donbass State Pedagogical University

e-mail: ovkolgan@gmail.com.

Matsokina Yu.I. – student of philological faculty of Donbass State Pedagogical University

e-mail: ovkolgan@gmail.com.

Title: Terms of the Military Business in the Novel by Walter Scott Ivanhoe: Structural Organization

Rubric: Term in text

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Terminological stylistics is one of the most relevant areas of linguistics in the 21st century. The subject of the study, according to A. Kryzhanovska, is “using multidisciplinary terminology in its definitive sense, the author’s creating the necessary and special words on models of the real terms, introducing redefined terminology in the arsenal of artistic means.”

In modern Ukrainian linguistics, as you know, there are no comprehensive studies on using the terms in styles unusual for them, including the belles-lettres. Today, in Ukrainian terminology, there are only a small number of works that deal exclusively with some aspects of the functioning of special words in journalistic and belles-lettres styles that are specific to this type of vocabulary.

The article continues the cycle of publications in the field of studying the specific functioning of military terminology in the writings of the writers from different countries of the world. The investigation is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the structural-component organisation of the military terms in the language of the work by W. Scott “Ivanhoe”, in particular, the word terms and phrase terms have been analysed.

The authors of the study present the main problematic ideas existing at the present stage in the circle of narrow specialists, which are terminology. The relevance of the paper, first of all, is due to the lack of comprehensive studies on the peculiarities of using the military terms in the works by Walter Scott and the need for linguistic analysis of the texts, in particular the novel “Ivanhoe”, which is a pearl of world literature.

The paper gives the main thoughts on defining the concepts “word term”, “phrase term”. The authors’ classification of the military terms which Walter Scott successfully introduced in his fiction work is represented on the basis of the generally accepted in modern Ukrainian linguistics.

The military terms of the above mentioned work are analysed, and the specifics of their use is defined, their structural-component organisation in the prose work of the prominent writer Walter Scott is determined. The investigators in their article define the main characteristics of the military terms that function in the analysed fiction work, present these units determine their grammatical categories and structure.

The word term and phrase terms, which include military terms, which are introduced into the language of the text by the author, are investigated. The function of this vocabulary taking into account the subject area, the ideological content, the purpose of the work, the creative idea of the author is determined.

The quantitative characteristics of the military terminological units of Walter Scott’s novel “Ivanhoe” have confirmed the opinion of most linguists regarding the benefits of the multi-component terms over the word terms.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that such units, which have a large number of components, allow describing in more detail, describing the concept of a particular industry, in particular military affairs.

Introducing such multicomponent terms is absolutely justified in fiction texts, because the author must take into account the fact that the reader of his work may not only be a person who has special military training, but also be a representative of another profession, or the reader does not have any specialty, education, etc. This can complicate the reader’s understanding of the work, so the true artist takes on such multicomponent terms in his text to create the most vivid and understandable image.

Keywords: terminology, military terms, structural-component organisation, word terms, phrase terms, novel.


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Scott, W. (2017). Aivenho. Roman [Ivanhoe. Novel].  Kharkiv: Folio (in Ukr.).