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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Terminology of Receptive Stylistics: the Adaptation of Other-Disciplinary Concepts

Terminology of Receptive Stylistics: the Adaptation of Other-Disciplinary Concepts

Halyna Siuta

Information about the author: doctor of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of Stylistics, Culture of Language and Sociolinguistscs Department of the Ukrainian Language Institute of NAS of Ukraine

e-mail: syutag@i.ua

Title: Terminology of Receptive Stylistics: the Adaptation of Other-Disciplinary Concepts

Rubric: Terminology of Linguistic and Related Sciences

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Receptive stylistics is the latest trend in the stylistics of text. It studies the mechanisms of text perception, in view of the account time, socio-cultural and individual psychological factors of perception. This integrative model of textology combines the ideas of hermeneutics, phenomenology, receptive aesthetics and poetics, traditional poetics, linguоsynergetics etc. Maximum openness to the researching of the intellectual and communicative nature of the text is reflected in  the terminology of receptive stylistics.

One of the theoretical platforms of receptive stylistics is receptive aesthetics (aesthetics of the reception). Terminology of this scientific branch was actively accepted and integrated into the special language of the new stylistic direction. First of all, we are talking about key concepts such as aesthetic experience and horizon [expectations] of the author / reader, horizons of perception / understanding. empty spaces / semantic gaps in the structure of the text, identification of the reader with the text, specification of the text, actual dimension of the text, etc. Today, the Ukrainian receptive theory is structured by the concept of actualization of the text, the horizon of the text, the constitution of the text, the communicative certainty / uncertainty of the text.

Emphasizing theoretical and methodological cores of contemporary Ukrainian receptive theory, it is necessary to focus on the national historical and cultural context of its constructing. Especially important from this point of view is the treatise by Ivan Franko From the Secrets of Poetic Art. Most of the theses of this work present a progressive vision of the deep psychological mechanisms of reading the artistic text in the measure of active perception, as lingual and aesthetic communication, dialogue between the author and the reader through the text. Also, the concurrence of Ivan Franko’s views with fundamental receptive principles of studying artistic text constitutes the scientific concepts of aesthetics, inductive aesthetics, perception, reception, suggestion, resonance, sensory vibration, etc. Consequently, the concept of reading and interpreting works of verbal art, formed in the treatise From the Secrets of Poetic Creativity, implicitly contains the basic principles of receptive aesthetics and poetics.

Cardinally new philosophy of reconnaissance of the nature of artistic text, psycholinguistic mechanisms of influence on the reader, regularities of reception and interpretation at the end of the 20th century presented linguistic synergetic. Actual, and in some aspects methodological for receptive theory has become the following concepts of linguistic synergetic: nonlinearity of development, stability / instability of development, openness of the system, rhizomes, energy of the text, energy resonance, author’s energy, reader energy, etc.  In contemporary receptive stylistic studies they do not stagnate, but are in a state of active deepening, refinement. For example, the concept energy of the text is coordinated with such established, well-known categories of stylistics as linguistic and literary tradition, lingual and cultural memory, reception and interpretation.

Process of terminological borrowing and assimilation of units of other disciplines contributes to the development of an integrative terminological paradigm optimally adapted to the needs of the reciprocal description of the nature of artistic text.

Keywords: receptive stylistics, receptive aesthetics, text, reader, reception of artistic text, integrative terminological paradigm.


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