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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Terms Denoting Types of Rhymes as to Grammatical Distinction

Terms Denoting Types of Rhymes as to Grammatical Distinction

Larysa Movchun

Information about the author: candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural and Mathematical Linguistics Department of the Ukrainian Language Institute of NAS of Ukraine

e-mail: lmovchun@bigmir.net

Title: Terms Denoting Types of Rhymes as to Grammatical Distinction

Rubric: Terminology of Linguistic and Related Sciences

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The urgent task of modern Ukrainian Rhymology is to streamline its terminology system. The importance of the grammatical parameter of rhyme was noted by the most of scientists, because it is known that, for example, verbs and adjectives generate within their category the so-called banal rhymes. Even in the context of syllabic poetry there were warnings regarding the use of book rhymes of certain grammatical paradigms. In general this guideline is fixed by modern rhyming rules.

The most common approach to the “grammar” of rhyme is the three-step analysis of the grammatical features of the rhymeme and its fixation in terms. 1. Presence or absence of the semantic identity of the rhymeme (grammatically homogeneous and grammatically heterogeneous rhymes). 2. Grammatical affiliation of each rhymeme (verb rhyme, noun rhyme, noun-verb rhyme, etc.). 3. Correspondence between consonant morphemes of rhymemes (root rhyme, suffix rhyme, inflexional rhyme, suffix-inflexional rhyme, etc.).

Word-change paradigms combine rows of words with common formants that are consonant. This prompts the scientists to seek out a rhyme connection between the paradigms. While classifying rhymes as to paradigm coincidence, Ivan Cherednychenko distributed the rhymes to three basic groups: regular, non-regular (partially regular and occasional-regular) and, at last, irregular rhymes.

To eliminate the ambiguity of the combined terms, expanded terms with the refinement component should be used, for example, polymorphic suffixal- inflexional rhyme, multiformed suffixal-inflexional rhyme. In order to form a coherent picture of the modern terminology of rhymology, attention should be paid to the study of history and the problems of terms for other types of rhymes designation, in particular lexical-semantic, stylistic and line-strophic.

Keywords: rhyme, rhyme classification, types of rhymes, rhymeme, morpheme, term.


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