L.I. Didun
Information about the author: candidate of Philological Sciences, Junior Researcher of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural and Mathematical Linguistics Department of the Ukrainian Language Institute of NAS of Ukraine
e-mail: lilia-didun@ukr.net
Title: Term Intensity in Linguistic Studies
Rubric: Terminology of Linguistic and Related Sciences
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the term intensity in linguistic research. The universality of the term emphasizes the fact that it is used in many fields of science and technology, when they talk about the intensity of the process, colour, light, sound. It is fixed in many special dictionaries. The term intensity is actively used in the field of linguistics. The study of intensity is an important aspect of linguistic research. This indicates the relevance of considering this term in linguistics.
A circle of terms is outlined, which denotes the concept of intensity in linguistics. The terms intensity, amplification, intensity, intensifier, category of intensity is considered. The peculiarities of studying the studied terms in works on linguistics are shown.
Interest in the notion of intensity in linguistics has been observed since the early 60’s of the XX century. But the term began to be actively used since the late 70’s of XX century. Intensity is interpreted as a component of semantics, in particular phraseological units. The category of intensity is general, open, and anthropocentric. It does not belong to a particular functional style. Scientists emphasize the ambiguous interpretation of this term. Researchers determine intensity as a category that represents the quantitative indicator of a qualitative attribute.
Intensifiers are explicit means of amplification. Scientists call a large number of intensifiers. The intensities implicitly contain, in their significance, this amplification. Researchers also use the term intensive. A further study of terminology, which outlines the specificity of the identification of intensity at all levels of the language system, is promising.
Keywords: intensity, intensifier, intensive, intensity category.
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