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  • ISSN 2221-8807
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Structure of Terminological Field of Tourism in Ukrainian

Structure of Terminological Field of Tourism in Ukrainian

Liliia Pivnova

Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism of the East European University of Economics and Management

e-mail: l.v.pivneva@mail.ru.

Title: Structure of Terminological Field of Tourism in Ukrainian

Rubric: Terminology of Social and Economic Sciences

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article specifies typical characteristics of the terminology field. It focuses attention on the field’s structure – its core and peripheral zones. The study discovers the fact that the elements of the field migrate: some elements leave the system, while others enter it, which causes the formation of blurry, diffuse boundaries.

The research outlines the field structure of the terminology field of tourism: the field core is formed by the tourism terminology, which, despite its versatility and complexity, is an integral system. Moreover, the periphery of the field structure of the tourist terminology system is compound by the terms related to the tourism industry only through differential semes (or a seme). The article singles out eleven thematic groups within the tourism terminology system.

The investigation of such groups is limited to a peculiar inventory type that enables more obvious grouping of specific terminology system.

Keywords: term, terminology, terminology system, terminological field, core and periphery of terminological field, lexical-semantic group, lexical set.


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