Volodymdyr Chumak, Yaroslava Syniehub
Information about the authors:
Volodymdyr Chumak – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Vice-Director of Ukrainian Lingua-Information Fund of NAS of Ukraine
e-mail: femida@ex.ua.
Yaroslava Syniehub – Postgraduate student of Practical Linguistics Department at the Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
e-mail: femida@ex.ua.
Title: Sociological Term as a Unit of Branch Terminology
Rubric: Terminology of Social and Economic Sciences
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article attempts to analyze the sociological term as a unit of the branch terminology. Emphasizing the basic classification features of the sociological term unit, establishing hierarchical relations between terms and multi-compound terms, defining the structural and semantic specifics of the Ukrainian sociological terminology system, the authors come to the conclusion about the important role of the studied terminology in the formation and functioning of the Ukrainian literary language.
According to our research, extralinguistic factors play an important role in the formation of the Ukrainian sociological terminology and the ordering of the terminology units: the emergence of a certain field of knowledge, the time of its appearance, which actualizes the need to determine the source of the basic terminological vocabulary, the basic models of the creation of terms, and others.
Getting used to the designation of the corresponding scientific concept, the sociological term is characterized by a number of differential features, among which the main ones are: nominacy, definition, the designation of systemic relations and relationships within the sociological terminology system, adjacent branch terminology systems and commonly used vocabulary, the motivation that is realized in three types that correspond to the three main methods of terminological word-formation (morphological, syntactic, and semantic), and others.
Keywords: term unit, sociological term, branch terminology, classification marks of sociological term.
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