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  • ISSN 2221-8807
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Terminology of Social and Economic Sciences

Terminology of Social and Economic Sciences

Nataliia Krasnopolska

Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Business Linguistics Department, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;

e-mail: zhebrov@gmail.com.

Title: The Role of Morphological Word-building in Formation of the Ukrainian Terminology of Management

Rubric: Terminology of Social and Economic Sciences

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The study of the Ukrainian terminology of management shows that one of the sources of its formation is morphological word-formation. Formation of terms occurs mainly on the same word-building models and with the help of the very word-formation affixes, which also create the words of the general literary language, but there are some specific features inherent only in the terminological word-formation. The suffixal method is noted for high productivity, in particular, the foreign language suffix – аці/j/- and the Ukrainian -нн-. Word formulation refers to the productive methods of term creation. Great performance in the terms of management, which are formed by word-building, has a noun manager.

High activity in the processes of nomination of concepts, processes, phenomena, etc., of management, reveals the basic formulation. The most productive are complicated adjective phrases, which are structurally morphologically divided into four species. Abbreviation is an active terminology in the analyzed terminology. The peculiarity of the studied terminology system is the use in the professional literature of abbreviations-anglicisms, recorded mostly in Latin graphics, rarely – in Ukrainian.

Keywords: terminology of management, affixation, foundation, word-formation, abbreviation.


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