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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Prolegomena of Sociocognitive Terminology and Sociocognitive Interpretation of the Term

Prolegomena of Sociocognitive Terminology and Sociocognitive Interpretation of the Term

T.V. Stasiuk

Information about the author: candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Philology Department of Dnieper State Agrarian Economics University

e-mail: stasyuktv@gmail.com

Title: Prolegomena of Sociocognitive Terminology and Sociocognitive Interpretation of the Term

Rubric: Theory and History of Terminology Slavic Terminology

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article introduces sociocognitive terminology, defines the status of the direction in the system of linguistic knowledge, provides initial concepts, basic information about contemporary issues and prospects, purpose, tasks and methods of terminology research in the new paradigm; carries out a comprehensive analysis of the definitions of the term, points to its essential features through the prism of the cognitive and sociological paradigm of linguistics.

The main results of the research compose the following provisions:

  1. Sociocognitive terminology problems cover the issues: 1. The main unit of terminology is the unit of understanding [of scientific knowledge / professional knowledge] / terminological concept / scientific concept / professional concept; 2. Term moves cognition, determinates the worldview; 3. Term definition is formed of modules of understanding; 4. Term can be polysemic; 5. Terms can have synonyms; 6. Terms can be metaphors; 7. Term verbalizes a complex construct, comprehended gradually; 8. Term definition is dynamic, transferring various amount of information depending on message aims; 9. Term concept evolves continually.
  2. In cognitive aspect, we consider a term to be: 1) a representative unit of scientific / professional knowledge, 2) a product of verbalization, storing and accumulating scientific / professional information, 3) a verbalized result of scientific / professional cognition, thinking, 4) informational and cognitive structure which accumulates special knowledge.
  3. In sociological aspect, we consider a term to be: a) a mean of transmission of socially meaningful knowledge, scientific / professional experience, b) a mean of providing the effectiveness of scientific / professional communication through fixing the basic properties of objects or phenomena; c) a mean of correction of term-content in various communicative processes, creation of understanding between scientists and experts.

Keywords:  sociocognitive terminology, term, terminology, semiotic nature of the term, conceptualization, categorization, scientific discourse, professional discourse


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