Nina Yatsenko
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of Grammar and Terminology Department of the Ukrainian Language Institute of NAS of Ukraine
Title: Political Lexicon in L.M. Kravchuk’s Language and Thought
Rubric: Terminology of Social and Economic Sciences
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the semantic-functional analysis of socio-political lexicon of L.M. Kravchuk. The most relevant thematic groups of vocabulary are highlighted, his role as an upgrader of the Ukrainian political thought of the late XX century is stressed, which ensures the active formation and functioning of national political discourse.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the political vocabulary of L.M. Kravchuk the first president of Ukraine during the period of independence. The material for analysis is selected from his speeches, interviews, press conferences, briefings (Leonid Kravchuk’s publication Є така держава – Україна (There is such a state – Ukraine, published in Kyiv in 1992). The vocabulary analysis is conducted for the first time.
In the political discourse of L.M. Kravchuk on the basis of structural and semantic analysis of the language of his journalism, we distinguish the following thematic groups: names of bodies of state power: (уряд, парламент, Верховна Рада); names of political governmental forms, arrangements, currents: (держава, суспільство, демократія); names of political parties, associations, meetings, social groups: (Союз, імперія); names of political and historical processes: (реформа, корупція); names of documents, laws, resolutions: (документ, Конституція); names of ethnic communities: (нація, народ); names of socio-economic processes, concepts, monetary units: (комерціалізація, кредит); names of direct policy subjects: (президент, міністр); names of diplomatic concepts:(концесія, комюніке); names of parties’ supporters: (націоналіст, націонал-шовініст); names of individual subjects of any activity: (споживач, партнер); names of individual activities: (президентство, партнерство); the names of the moral and ideological sphere of public life: (підприємливість, наполегливість).
It is shown that semantic and evaluative lexemas’ dynamic is shown by their syntagmatic relations, including connectivity. Examples of extensions of linear text connections of a word in Kravchuk’s discourse are adjectives: соціальний, економічний, імперський, демократичний, ринковий, митний.
Public Speeches of the First President of Ukraine L.M. Kravchuk convincingly reveals the individuality of his style, including the use of synonymous means: думка – мислення – міркування – твердження – переконання – судження – погляд. Journalism created by L.M. Kravchuk is rich in idiomatic phrasal phrases and terminological persistent phrases. Phraseological and terminological units under consideration perform an important intensification role, in particular, act as expressive markers of his political thought.
Keywords: social and political lexis, political discourse, journalism, thematic groups, individual style, personal state mentality.
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