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  • ISSN 2221-8807
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Іnterdisciplinary Terminological Correlation in the Process of Transterminologization (on the Material of the Biological Terminology)

Іnterdisciplinary Terminological Correlation in the Process of Transterminologization (on the Material of the Biological Terminology)

Mariia Kukharchyshyn

Information about the author: Assistant of Ukrainian Applied linguistics Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

e-mail: mariafilolog@ukr.net

Title: Іnterdisciplinary Terminological Correlation in the Process of Transterminologization (on the Material of the Biological Terminology)

Rubric: Natural Sciences

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the transterminologization as a result of the interaction between terminology systems of scientific fields on the conceptual level. Transterminology is not limited to migration of only certain terms, but also entire groups of terms and scientific theories. Biology as a science is rich in heuristic ideas and fundamental discoveries. It is a donor for many scientific disciplines. The influence of biological terminology on the terminology of humanities is shown on the example of Ch. Darwin’s theory of the evolution. Biological laws of the organic world evolution, the struggle for existence, natural selection are used in the linguistics, sociology, management.

The biological direction appeared in linguistics under the influence of Darwin’s theory. Its founder was A. Schleicher. The biologists interpret language as a biological phenomenon, as a living organism. In such a way the associative field “language – an organism” was formed. For the language analysis, the following terms: birth, growth, development, aging, death are used.

The biologic direction also appeared in sociology. Its main feature is the application of concepts and laws of biology for the analysis of social life. The biologic direction in sociology is represented by several schools: Social Darwinism, Organic School, Genetic Sociology. Sociologists use such biological terms as organism, social tissues, organs, mimicry, pathology, reproduction of society. So the associative field “society – an organism” was formed.

In management, under the influence of biology, were formed such concepts as Organizational Darwinism and Population Ecology of Organizations. According to these concepts, to survive the organization must adapt to changes in the environment. This way the associative field “organization – an organism” was formed. Biological terms life cycle, maturity, population are used in management. So, due to transterminologization, the generation of scientific theories takes place.

Keywords: transterminologization, biological terminology system, evolution theory.


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