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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Phrazeography and lexicography: divergency in terminology

Phrazeography and lexicography: divergency in terminology

Tetiana  Tsymbaliuk-Skopnenko

Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of  Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural and Mathematical Linguistics Department of the Ukrainian Language Institute of NAS of Ukraine

e-mail: skopnenko@ua.fm

Title: Phrazeography and lexicography: divergency in terminology

Rubric: Terminography theory and practice of compiling branch dictionaries

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The term divergence is used traditionally in linguistics in origin of language and dialectology to denote the distinction between certain idioms. However, the unit under consideration was used in a wider context, because it denotes the process and the consequence that are caused by the distinction of features and properties of objects – something that ultimately leads to the division of the previously indistinguishable, and hence the appearance of new ideas about the world. In word formation, divergence is understood as the differentiation of common-root derivatives in terms of content or peculiarities of their use. Researchers also use the notions of semantic divergence – the difference in the content structure of derivative units with certain semantic nuances, which shows their semantic non-identity. Phraseography – conventionally derivative unit of lexemy lexicography, in this case we must talk about creating the first term by model of the second.

For a long time in the scientific literature lexicography was used to refer to the section of linguistics, within which, with the help of certain methods, both lexemes and phraseologisms are described, although these units have different nature. The growth of phraseology as a separate scientific field did not automatically lead to the fixing of the term phrazeography in the national scientific discourse. Modern search engines on the Internet provide information that in this network found over a thousand documents in the Ukrainian language, which includes the word phrazeography.

Certainly, this cannot be an example of the frequency of the use of this lexeme, but this fact suggests that in the modern scientific world there is a critical mass for understanding of the phrazeography as a separate scientific field. Some important arguments against this tendency were not found, although in modern university textbook phrazeography information is presented in the section “Phraseology” or at the end of “Lexicsology”, while lexicography as a separate branch, not within the limits of lexicology, has long been entrenched in the educational and scientific literature. And it sounds paradoxical to a certain extent, because it is from phraseology (however, in symbiosis with lexicography), not only the newest Ukrainian phraseology as a science began, the description of phraseological units was one of the first tasks of Ukrainian vocabulary in general.

In addition, we note that the term “science about dictionaries” is most often used in the sense of “lexicography”. Since the tradition of non-differentiation of lexicography and phraseology is very strong, it would be expedient (and simply convenient) to use this Ukrainian term for the definition of synthetic understanding of the two branches of philology as a related unity: lexicography (theoretical and practical) and phrazeography (also theoretical and practical). If we accept such a proposal, then there will be no unnecessary confrontation between lexicography and phrazeography, the uncertainty of which leads to many misunderstandings.

We can conclude that there is no reason to denote by the term lexicography the whole set of scientific approaches related to the phrazeography description. In Ukrainian linguistics, it is necessary to clearly delineate the terms lexicography and phrazeography, since they, over the last time, consolidated various semantic concepts.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, terminology, lexicology, phraseology, lexicography, phraseography, lexeme, idiom.



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