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  • ISSN 2221-8807
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Terminolohichnyi Visnyk, (Terminological Bulletin) Issue 5 » Derivation as a Source of Medical Terminology Formation

Derivation as a Source of Medical Terminology Formation

Nataliia Misnyk

Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Studies Department at Bohomolets National Medical University

e-mail: nataliamisnyk@gmail.com.

Title: Derivation as a Source of Medical Terminology Formation

Rubric: Natural sciences

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the specificity of the derivation in the field of medical terminology. Among the traditional methods of term formation, morphological (in particular its variants – affixation and composition of words and bases) is the most active. In terminological derivation in the field of clinical medicine, several trends have been identified, the main of which are: the formation of its own terminological fund of word-formation means, the close interaction of national and international components, the high degree of regularity in the formal-linguistic design, which is explained by the international nature of formants and their regular communication with a certain word-making way. Recently, more and more attention is paid to its own word-building resources. It is possible to predict that modern terminology in the field of clinical medicine will deepen this tendency by involving international elements in the creation of terms and using already used for the expansion of the terminological fund of medical science.

It is important to study derivation in terms of structural standardization of terms. An analysis of word-formation meanings and their means of expression make it possible, in our opinion, to streamline and generalize the types of relationships that we observe in the terminology field “clinical terminology”. The study of the affixation of a fund of medical-clinical terminology has given grounds for arguing that suffixal and prefixal morphemes largely determine the specifics of clinical terminology, which enable a clear description of certain medical concepts, phenomena, and activity in the creation of new terms. This method provides the possibility of using the same type of word formation, which contributes to the structural systematization of the terminology system.

Keywords: morphological method of term derivation, specificity of derivative processes, terminological fund of word-building means.


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