Yelyzaveta Peresada
Information about the author: PhD student, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is devoted to the specifics of the formation of the metalanguage of graphemics as an actual scientific direction of modern linguistics. The emergence of graphemics as a separate scientific field has not led to the consolidation of a single term in the scientific discourse to denote the science of writing and the graphic level of language. In addition, there is no established graphemics terminology. The article proposes to define the term field of linguistics, which represents the established terms, and discusses the controversial issues related to the formation of the microterm field associated with the phenomenon of Latinization, since language reflects all political, psychological, and cultural changes, including those motivated by the peculiarities of its graphic representation. In the Ukrainian linguistic culture of the 19th and 20th centuries, there was a competition between two graphic systems: the traditional Cyrillic and the Latin alphabets. This competition («alphabet wars») is also actualized in the modern linguistic space of the early 21st century, which is represented by attempts to Latinize the Ukrainian language space. The process of Latinization has led to the emergence of new terms to denote these attempts as projects (variants) of the Ukrainian Latin alphabet. In Ukrainian graphemics, such occasional terms as yirechekivka, lahodivka, luchukivka, melnykivka, Ukrainian abecedary, and Ukrainian gaietyka have emerged. In addition, we trace the emergence of nonce terms that are common in Ukrainian scientific discourse. Among them, we find synonymous connections: alphabet war and alphabet blizzard. Certain aspects of the alphabet war in Galicia also contributed to the emergence of such terms as alphabet battles, alphabet plague, alphabet discussion, alphabet history, alphabet coup, alphabet question, and alphabet disputes. The task of summarizing information on this issue in terms of diachrony and synchrony is being actualized. The problem under consideration has prospects, since the terminology system of grapgemics requires systematization and clear lexicalization, creation of a dictionary of graphemics terms.
Keywords: metalanguage, graphemic, Latinization, term, microtermfield, nonce term.
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