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  • ISSN 2221-8807


Hennadіі Fesenko

Information about the author: junior researcher, Institute of zoology, NAS of Ukraine

e-mail: h.fesenko@gmail.com




Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The period from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century should be considered as the beginning of the creation of the Ukrainian natural nomenclature. At that time, I. Verkhratsky published several lists of specifically Ukrainian names of animals and plants. More than two thousand names of birds are in these lists. The second period of development of the national bird  nomenclature fell at the end of the first third of the 20th century and lasted very little. It was distinguished by the fact that M. Scharlemann  published a dictionary with approximately 1.900 Ukrainian bird names for almost 400 species. The names mostly related to species of  common fauna, and the main names were chosen among them. Since then, they have been widely used. In this dictionary, only a small  number of names were to exotic birds. Unfortunately, this period was replaced by the third stage, which lasted from the end of the 1930s to  the beginning of the 1980s, when the national nomenclature of birds was subjected to russianization, that is, a significant number of Russian names were used. At the same time, for educational needs, a number of foreign names were introduced into the Ukrainian language to denote species that occur outside of Ukraine. In general, the use of bird names of common fauna was characteristic of these periods. The fourth period of formation of the Ukrainian bird nomenclature began in the mid-1980s and lasted for ten years. During this period, O.Markevich and K. Tatarko published a trilingual zoological dictionary and listed Ukrainian names for almost 860 bird species in it, that is,  at that time, more than twice the number of species compared to those found in the domestic fauna. The names referred mainly to Palearctic  birds. Expansion of the functioning of the national nomenclature within the framework of the world fauna was initiated at this stage. The fifth stage, for which specifically Ukrainian names were returned to use, took place from the end of the 1990s during the first decade of the  21st century. Based on this, a complete system of the Ukrainian bird nomenclature of the world was formed in the second decade of the  current century, i.e. in sixth period. The Ukrainian synonymous names of birds were used to a large extent for this purpose, as well as names from eight foreign languages were borrowed. Currently, changes in the Ukrainian nomenclature system of birds are taking place under the  influence of new taxonomic studies.

Keywords: birds, nomenclature, formation, periodization, Ukrainian scientific terminology


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