• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Liudmyla Marchuk

Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Ivan Ohiienko National University of Kamianets-Podilskyi

e-mail: lyudmylamarchuk60@gmail.com




Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Using the term semantic field in the work, we consider it as a symbolic model of the organization of the sector of extralinguistic  reality, which has a complex structure, the core of which is a concept, around the nuclear sphere – a set of concepts similar to the  synonymous core and actualized in micro- and macro-contexts, and the periphery – interpretations of these texts and concepts.
In a broad  sense, semantic fields make up a picture of the world, but have blurred boundaries. This means that in the process of the development of  linguistic culture, there is a continuous interpenetration and mutual influence of conceptual fields opposed in meaning.
We introduce the  lexeme suit into the semantic field “suit”, which has a multidimensional structure, since its elements illustrate not only linguistic means, but  also cultural extralinguistic choices. Therefore, we insist on linguistic and extralinguistic factors that create the filling of the named field.
We consider the linguistic parameters that regulate the allocation and description of a specific semantic field and declare it as follows: the  formation of SP takes place around a defined integral meaning, taking into account objective external factors and the real capabilities of the  researcher; the composition of SP includes those lexemes in the semantic structure of which there is a sema, which received the status of  integral for the studied verbal group; the semantic structure of the constituents of the field is qualified based on the dictionary definition;  according to the position of the integral semantic component in the content of the lexical unit, its place in the SP structure is determined – in  the nuclear, central or peripheral part.
Extralinguistic factors include: 1) social roles that determine the specificity of the semantic field of costume; 2) human habits; 3) wealth / poverty; 4) the person’s age; 5) the cultural stratum to which a person belongs, perhaps some fashion trend; 6) season, time of day, area, place of event; 7) author’s speech: the filling of the semantic field “costume” depends on linguistic and extra-linguistic factors, among which  is the image of the author, because it is through him, through the choice of language means, that we have different semantic fields in artistic texts; 8) fashion.

Keywords: semantic field, functional-semantic field, semantic feature, thinking.


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