Yana Zhurenko
Information about the author: Postgraduate student, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University
e-mail: Jzhjzh0@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Gender stereotypes are most fully reflected in language, which is to some extent a mirror of culture, capturing and contemplating all the prejudices and stereotypes of society.
Gender stereotypes became the subject of research in the philological studies of T. Kosmedy, T. Kravets, T. Sukalenko, and others.
Different scientists interpret gender stereotypes from different positions and approaches. T. Semashko notes the different interpretations of the stereotypes phenomenon in the works of A. Ivchenko, F. Batsevich and others. The linguist generalized the view of the stereotype, consolidating three components: linguistic, cognitive, and cultural, which today produced two approaches that have developed in linguistics regarding the understanding of the stereotype and stereotyping. However, analyzing the aspects within which stereotype theories were
developed, T. Semashko does not mention gender linguistics.
T. Sukalenko, reviewing different approaches to the analyzed term, considers the gender stereotype as a culturally generalized idea of attributing to women or men the traits of appearance, character, and status-role characteristics.
The ambiguous wording of the term «gender stereotype» conditioned our perception – it is a generalized form of mental, socio-psychological, and linguistic perception/judgment about men/women with the imposition of beliefs about the social, cultural, and verbal behavior of representatives/representatives of these groups.
The incompleteness of the formation process of the gender linguistics term system becomes the reason for the functioning of such phenomena as synonymity, parallel use of terms, grammatical inaccuracy, a large number of borrowings, and inconsistent use of terms.
The metalanguage of gender research is studied in the following aspects: the specificity of the expansion of the term systems of gender linguistics due to the frequent use of derived terms (in our study, this is the term «gender linguistics»); processes of integration of English language gender terminology into the Ukrainian term space; filling terminological gaps in gender linguistics; lexicography of terminological units. It is time to create a metalanguage dictionary of gender linguistics.
Keywords: gender, stereotype, gender stereotypes, terminology, gender linguistics.
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