• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Oksana Dilna

Information about the author: PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Humanities Education Department, Lviv Regional Institute of Post-Diploma Pedagogical Education

e-mail: : dilnamartynyak@gmail.com




Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the modern world multitasking is a professional feature of specialists working in various fields. It also applies to teachers. Difficult conditions of forced remote education during pandemic, remote and mixed learning under conditions of martial law require  teachers to acquire new skills and perform roles that often go beyond the traditional idea of a teacher. The concept of the New Ukrainian  School refers to a teacher who is no longer the only mentor and source of knowledge, but is at the same time a coach, facilitator, tutor,  moderator, mentor, consultant, instructor, manager and leader in the individual educational trajectory of the child. Recent years saw many  borrowings in pedagogical terminology, first of all, these are anglicisms, less frequently – borrowings from classical languages that  functioned in other terminological systems and acquire a new meaning in pedagogy. The dominance of foreign terms in computer or economic science has become something common both for linguists and ordinary speakers, but anglicisms in the educational field seem to be  an artificial and undesirable phenomenon. A comprehensive study of borrowings in pedagogical terminology is extremely relevant, as the  number of new terms of foreign origin in the educational environment is constantly growing. It is necessary to find out whether borrowing is  justified, or it is just the fashion for new words and unwillingness to look for the Ukrainian counterparts or create new ones. The article  analyzes the latest terms that have appeared in pedagogy from the point of view of the expediency of their use. The meaning and origin of  such terms as coach, facilitator, tutor, mentor, moderator, advisor and supervisor have been clarified. Based on the translation and  explanatory dictionaries of pedagogical terms, all possible correspondences for these foreign names were selected. The article describes how  the semantics of the latter  is superimposed on the definition of the functions performed by modern teachers. The most appropriate  substitutes, actually Ukrainian and those of foreign origin, which exist in the Ukrainian language, are proposed. It is concluded that in the  case when a specific term has the same meaning as the borrowed one, it should be fixed as a single normative variant or as a synonym along  with the term of foreign origin, as the national terminology should absorb the world heritage of a certain science (terminology), while preserving its nationally identity.

Keywords: borrowed word, term, anglicism, teacher, pedagogue, pedagogical terminology.


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