Tetіana Kosmeda
Information about the author: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
e-mail: tkosmeda@mail.com
Vira Kalinichenko
Information about the author: PhD in Philology, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
e-mail: kalinichenko.v@donnu.edu.ua
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The objective of the paper under consideration is to display the formation and development specifics of the linguistic terminology associated with the linguistic mentiology formation issue. Since language reflects reality as it is, or as individuals want to imagine it, which they want to project, then it is quite logical that the language makes untruth verbalized, fake (untrue) concepts get fixed, and corresponding terms emerge in the academic and general discourse. One can definitely observe the modeling of the terms system for describing language (speech) facts, processes and phenomena, which when being nominated have a basic semantic component representing the untruth (false/lies) concept. This semantic constituent, in particular, is formally (explicitly) covered by means of quasi-, pseudo- elements and expressed implicitly by means of the corresponding semes in the term semantic structure, which represent the untruth (false/lies) concept. These include: false, unreliable, untrue, distorted, unreal, disinformation, disguising, fictitious, fantasy, imaginative, paradoxical, exaggerated, understated, belittled, concealed, one that reflects part of the truth, one that substitutes one for another, one that does not correspond to reality, one that contradicts the original meaning, one which can only be assumed, one which conceals the true meaning. Most of the above mentioned terms that outline the mentiology term field belong to monosemantic and one-word structure terms, a smaller part of them can be regarded as polysemantic and multicomponent by their structure. Within the terms system under consideration homonyms emerge, some terms expand their meaning, which is not yet registered in current dictionaries of linguistic terms. The terms analyzed primarily belong to the metalanguage of lexicology (quasi-synonyms, quasi-synonymy), onomastics (names distortion, pseudonym), orphemics (quasi-inflection, pseudo-motivation), morphology (quasi-grammeme), syntax (evidentiality and its counterpart category, quasi-sentence, pseudo-question), communicative linguistics (truth criterion, sincerity riterion, truthfulness maxim / postulate, pseudo-communication), text linguistics and discourse linguistics (quasi-discourse, quasi-text), linguistic stylistics (catachresis, quasicontrast), etymology (pseudo-etymology), sociolinguistics (quasi-ethnonym, pseudoethnonym). The issue discussed has broad prospects for further research: the mentiology terms will need systematic fixation and being processed by lexicographers.
Keywords: linguistics of lies, mentiology metalanguage, terms with semantic representation elements of untruth (false/lies) concepts, terms with formal quasi- and pseudo components.
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