• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Mariia Kukharchyshyn

Information about the author:  Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

e-mail: mariafilolog@ukr.net




Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article focuses on the metaphorical use of computer terminology in the biological term system of the Ukrainian language in  the process of transterminization. The analyzed phenomenon is rooted in the strengthening of integrative processes within modern science,
as has been established. The synthesis of scientific fields involves not only the harmonious coexistence or exchange of scientific methods and  concepts, but also active interaction at the level of terminology. Transterminization of terms refers to the process of naming a new concept in  biology, whereby term units from other scientific fields undergo semantic evolution.
In modern linguistics, a metaphor is considered a regular and organic component of scientific language. A term metaphor is a mechanism of  recoding a linguistic unit, which makes it possible to represent a new special concept through known objects, realities of another field of  knowledge. Metaphorization ensures the emergence of new terms and promotes the development of creative mechanisms of interaction for  various industries. The rapid development of information technologies has caused an active growth of the so-called computer metaphors in  many fields of science, in particular in biology. Computer vocabulary has become an attribute of communication not only for experts in the  computer industry, but also, losing its narrow-branch nature, deeply penetrates the national speech and affects nominative processes in  other scientific spheres. Computer realities, well known to modern speakers, help to describe complex biological processes and phenomena.
The paper also considers the transformations that occur in the semantic structure of the term as a result of migration to another term system.  Metaphorization of computer terminology consists in changing the initial meaning by including new components into its semantics,  in particular, term semes, which modify the meaning and project it onto the biological term system. In the system of biological terms, computer terms are metaphorized to denote devices, executors of actions, and terms with a procedural meaning. It is noted that at the same  time biological terminology becomes a donor for computer terminology.

Keywords: metaphor, biological terminology, computer terminology, transterminization.


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