Oksana Vatamaniuk
Information about the author: postgraduate student, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
e-mail: oksanavatamaniuk8@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article models the stylistic content of a fragment of the Ukrainian political lexicon (social and political terms, social and political vocabulary and commonly used vocabulary (emotional and evaluative nominations, occasionalisms) from the actively updated thematic group “Direct Subjects of politics”. The semantics and functioning of the names of people’s deputies are analyzed as subjects of state politics, since the deputy is a subject of state policy and at the same time a public figure to whom criticism and evaluation of society is directed.
The analysis was carried out on the material of lexicographic sources and modern mass media. It was revealed that the sources of replenishment of socio-political terminology remain borrowings, actualization of specific and borrowed units that were previously on the periphery of the language system, use of colloquial and spatial units that are used in the text with a pragmatic purpose.
Keywords: social and political terminology, social and political vocabulary, direct subjects of politics.
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