• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Svitlana Bybyk

Information about the author: Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

e-mail: sbybyk2016@ukr.net



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article offers an updated interpretation of the term “epistolary style”. Attention to the conceptual meaning of this term is due to the fact that in the Ukrainian functional style it is customary to distinguish between six or seven-component systems. Taking into account or not taking into account epistolary communication in this division of spheres of communication also affects the structure of the style system.
It is emphasized that during the twentieth century several paradigms of epistolary style research have changed. Different approaches to outlining its conceptual content – functional, textual, discursive and cognitive – are analyzed. Ways to resolve the discussion of the
functional VS genealogical nature of the epistolary style are suggested.
An overview of works that testify to the change in the characteristics of the essential features of this functional or genre-style variety of the Ukrainian literary language is presented. It is noted that from the linguistic point of view it is worth considering the correlation of the concept of “epistolary style” with the concept of MEMORY, with the categories of formality / informality, privacy, etc.
Among the conclusions it is noted that the Ukrainian linguistic and stylistic terminology is dynamic. The variability of definitions reflects the dynamic stability of the relationship between the phenomenon and scientific concepts. The integrative mutual influence of linguistic stylistics, cognitive linguistics, linguocultural studies, linguistic genealogy is traced on the example of the conceptual meaning of the term  “epistolary style”.
The article briefly describes the main stable and dynamic features of the epistolary style. It is emphasized that with the constancy of the term “epistolary style” its internal form is changeable. Prospects for the study of the terminology of linguistic stylistics are associated with expanding the basis for the development of historical terminology, as well as deepening the linguistic aspect, ie the study of the associative structure of scientific categories, one fragment of which is knowledge of stylistic features of literary language practice. One of such stimuli
in modern linguistics is the actualization of linguistics and cognitive terminology, which affect the interpretation of the conceptual content of linguistic terms.

Keywords: style, discourse, epistolary style, functional stylistics, cognitive terminology, term.


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