• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Roksana Bilousova

Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Ivan Franko Lviv National University

e-mail: Biloysova@ukr.net




Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is aimed at the study of the phenomenon of polysemy in the Ukrainian term system of library science and bibliographic study. It has been found that, despite the requirement for an ideal term as a sign of the term system to possess a single meaning  (monoseme) within a certain industry-specific terminology, the multi-meaning terms, however, are a common phenomenon  occurring rather in a professional language.
Based on the analysis of the semantic structure of the studied term system, there has been distinguished external-systemic and internal-systemic (intra industry-specific) polysemy. External-systemic polysemy in Ukrainian librarian-bibliographical terminology is caused by the similarity of processes and phenomena in various fields of human activity and it involves the use of terms that function simultaneously in: a)  one or more term systems and b) or/ as well as in common lexis, for example: indexing means 1) “a system of designations (classification indices) used during the systematization of documents to express their classification features” in Ukrainian Library Science and Bibliography; 2) “a mechanism established by legislation to increase the monetary income of citizens, which makes it possible to partially or  fully compensate the increase in the price of consumer goods and services”.
Internal-systemic polysemy is a characteristic feature of the terms which belong to only one term system (it appears in the library and  bibliographic term system as a result of categorical ambiguity, which is also called metonymic transfer, i.e. a reference, meaning: 1) “a verbal  or digital designation (mark) that addresses the reader to another fragment of the text or to a source, from where the author takes the quotes,  facts”, 2) “a short note that connects parts of the document, bibliographic entries in catalogues, card files, bibliographic manuals”, 3)  “a form of reference “Refer to”.
By the structure, polysemous terms of Ukrainian Library Science and Bibliography are divided into: a) single-component (subscription,  edition, reference, index, root, manuscript); b) term compounds (mostly two-component, seldom three- and fourcomponent) (database,  virtual help, book hygiene, source of bibliographic information). It has been studied that polysemy prevails among single-component terms  in Ukrainian library and bibliographic term system, because terms with a more complex expression plan have less ability to develop polysemy.

Keywords: polysemy, ambiguity, term, term system of library science and bibliographic study


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