Ivanna Fetsko
Information about the author: Сandidate of Рhilological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
e-mail: ivanna.fetsko@lnu.edu.ua
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article examines the place and role of borrowings in the Ukrainian term system of the natural museum case. The composition of borrowings is clarified and the specifics of the functioning of types of foreign language term units are determined. The expediency of application of borrowed term units in the modern Ukrainian language has been determined. The reasons for the appearance of a significant number of borrowings in the terminological vocabulary have been clarified. It was revealed that the terminology of the natural museum area contains a significant layer of units of Greek-Latin origin, as well as borrowings from German, French, Italian, Arabic, and Dutch languages, which makes it possible to talk about the international character of the terminology. The largest part of terms of foreign origin in the studied terminology are borrowings from classical languages – Latin and Greek. The Latin language had a special role in medieval Europe, as it almost completely dominated in science, education and other spheres of life. Even from that time, Latinisms became a source of replenishment of scientific terminologies of all European languages. Since classical Latin was filled with Greek borrowings, the Greek language also became a lexical reserve for the construction of new terms. Mixed language constructions formed by combining two
bases of the type Latin + Greek, Greek + Latin, French + Latin are also considered. The solution of urgent tasks regarding the organization and further replenishment of the studied term system of the Ukrainian language in accordance with modern economic and scientific
and technical development requires a deep study of the sources, ways and methods of term formation inherent in the Ukrainian literary language. The involvement of foreign loanwords enables Ukrainian terminology to organically fit into the global scientific and technical context. Entering the term system, foreign language units undergo appropriate phonetic, morphological and semantic adaptation, which contributes to the expansion and enrichment of the modern Ukrainian term system of natural museum case.
Keywords: borrowing, foreign language term, term system of natural history museum business, Ukrainian language.
СІС – Morozov, S.M. & Shkaraputa, L.M. (Ed.) Slovnyk inshomovnykh sliv [Dictionary of foreign words] (2000). Kyiv: Naukova dumka (in Ukr.).