Оksаnа Vasetskа
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
e-mail: oksana.vasetska.04@gmail.com
Iryna Каzymyrova
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
e-mail: kazymyrovai@gmail.com
Yuliіa Chernobrov
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, National Commission on the Standards of the State Language
e-mail: chernobrovvv@gmail.com
Ninа Yatsenkо
Information about the author: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
e-mail: n.yats@ukr.net
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with description of compiling the Historical Dictionary of Linguistic Terms that will present formal and semantic evolution of the Ukrainian linguistic terms from the earliest times to the middle of the 20th century.
Compilation of the dictionary involves the following stages: 1. Creation of the diachronic corpus of linguistic texts (ISTLING) as a source of information about the history of Ukrainian linguistic terms (it will include not only sources in Ukrainian, but also in Polish, German, Russian, etc. and present their role in the formation of the Ukrainian linguistic terminology). 2. Compilation of linguistic profiles of sources – preliminary general information about the peculiarities of the use of linguistic terms in these sources. 3. Formation of the register which
task is not only to present the lexeme recorded in the texts of the studied period, but also to show its unity (the term and its variants), its word-forming connections, grammatical forms (selectively), its use in texts in different periods, fixation in dictionaries. Each term (even if it
occurs only once in the corpus) recorded in the sources is a registered unit. 4. Generalization of material (from linguistic profiles of dictionary sources) in diachronic cognitive maps, i.e. in the system of linguistic knowledge representation, which reflects the processes of
conceptualization and categorization of the linguistic term concept in the projection onto the linguistic term that nominates it. 5. Modeling an entry for the dictionary based on a diachronic cognitive map of a linguistic term. It has 8 zones: vocable, or register word; modern definition of the term; etymology of the term (if possible); the first fixation of the modern term; formal versions of the term in chronological order with certification; semantic development of the term; peculiarities of categorization of the term concept (if the material provides such an opportunity); term «projection» in modern linguistics.
The article contains fragments of the register, samples of linguistic profiles of individual sources, diachronic cognitive maps of linguistic terms, as well as some examples of dictionary entries.
Keywords: linguistic term, dictionary register, linguistic profile of the source, diachronic cognitive map of the linguistic term, dictionary entry.
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