• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Viktoria Tovstenko

Information about the author: Docent, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

e-mail:  tovstenko.vika@ukr.net

Larysa Bondarchuk

Information about the author: Docent, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

e-mail: larysa.bondarczuk@ukr.net

Tamara Podgurska

Information about the author: senior lecturer, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

e-mail: podgurska_kaf@ukr.net




Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the terminological nomination of economic concepts. Groups of metaphorical use of  economic terms are singled out. One of the problems of Ukrainian linguistics – the formation of economic terminology on a national
basis – has been studied, and the international and national aspects of the term-making process have been distinguished. The general and  specific features of the terminological nomination of economic concepts have been clarified, which will contribute to the unification,  standardization and codification of this terminology. The main groups of the economic term system are highlighted. Common characteristics  that determine the essence of any term as a lexical unit of special, limited functioning have been studied; terms with partial replacement of components, formed by word-forming means of the recipient language and terms with a complete structural match were analyzed. Standard
terms, sample terms are proposed; standardized terminological system at the national and international levels. It is proven that the terminology of each language is national, because its international component is assimilated according to the structure of the national  language. It is emphasized that objective validity is the only legitimate criterion for creating a term and borrowing it from another language.  It is noted that replenishing the vocabulary with borrowings is a historically inevitable process, necessary for the language to meet society’s communication needs at each stage of its development. It is emphasized that the significant influence on the formation of term systems has  winged sayings of the national language – phraseological units. Terminological systems involve in their arsenal some phraseological
units in the role of scientific terms, and such a phenomenon is called phraseologisation. It has been proven that economic terms are used in  works of art not only to specify an image, a storyline, but also to focus the reader’s attention on certain objects, phenomena, and actions. Homonymy, paronymy, synonymy and antonymy were analyzed. It is noted that homophones, homographs, and lexical homonyms are often used for language games. Paronymic attraction is most often used in fiction to create a play on words. It was concluded that the growth of  terminological systems is evidence of the progress of the nation in terms of science and technology and in terms of the intellectualization of  its language.

Keywords: international term, scientific style, metaphorization, standardization, homonymy, paronymy, codification, linguistic influence.


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