• info@termvisnyk.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278 43 90
  • ISSN 2221-8807


Svitlana Senkiv

Information about the author: PhD candidate of the Ukrainian Language Department, Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko

e-mail: ladybirdie.e@ukr.net



Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The study analyzes the present research works on rendering psychological and linguistic features of personality as a central phenomenon in anthropocentric sciences, describes its structure and key elements. It proves the significant role of a language personality to
determine all the major linguistic aspects and as well as to have an insight into language nature. Besides, the article distinguishes the notion of communicative personality taking into account peculiarities of speech processes such as psychological features of a person as a  communicant with such characteristics as feelings, motives, intentions, goals, communicative situation. The study implies to highlight the importance of social and national personality as a part of a group and their role in the establishing of a nation as a higher stage of society
development. It provides the main characteristics of national personality such as selfidentity, which splits into identity as and identity with,  national consciousness, common ethnic background and language.
The article deals with peculiarities of content value of term personality in Ivan Franko’s works, differentiates notions language personality, communicative personality and national personality as elements of an integrated personality. According to Franko’s worldview, the
study defines the role of personality in psychological and behavioral models: “a man in language”, “a man in society”, “a man on the way to  self-cognition”. It provides the analysis of I. Franko’s conceptual notion “a whole man” as an ideal aim in a person’s life, which reflects the psychological statement consisting in individual constant awareness of the way from the real-self to ideal-self. This way is always  accompanied with the fundamental features: struggle, will power, liberty, moral choice, higher aim, while the main obstacles are
defined as betrayal of oneself and yielding to one’s weak points. The article highlights the importance of I. Franko’s contribution to the  definition of the notion personality in the scope of interdisciplinary studies.

Keywords: language personality, national personality, communicative personality, integrated personality, conceptual personality Ivan  Franko, self-cognition, identity, consciousness.


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